Thursday, December 28, 2006

Charmaine praises Raymond Lam as handsome

Hong Kong TVB popular fadan Charmaine Sheh is currently filming the 60 episodes [Drive of Life] until May next year, with Raymond Lam acting as her boyfriend in the series.

Working together for the 3rd time, Charmaine's impression on Ray is still: "Same, a handsome guy." Asked if she was "electrified" (charmed) by Ray, Charmaine jokingly asked: "Shouldn't you ask him whether he's charmed by me?"
IPB Image
Facing the recent rumors with Ray and Ron Ng, Charmaine said that she feels nothing about the news: "The media will write whatever they want. If there's no rumor news between onscreen lovers, that is a bit worrying. Maybe because we're all single, but I hope there won't be much rumors. The HK tabloids often write rumors or falling out among artistes, but readers will know what is the truth."

Wanting a boyfriend in 2007

Charmaine's wish for 2007 is to find a new boyfriend. She said: "Because I don't have a boyfriend, so I need to find one."

Asking how? She replied: "Just let things go naturally, I believe in fate."

Recently, there's a lot of reports mentioning her supposed break up with rumored boyfriend Benny Chan, ending their 4 year relationship. However, upon hearing "Benny Chan", she immediately said: "Please don't mention him anymore, or else I will not have chance to find a boyfriend."

Charmaine mentioned that when filming series with Joe Ma, their relationship got closer due to "personal brick".

Stepping on Joe Ma's foot to act

Because Charmaine's series [Strike at Heart] was due to air soon (Singapore), Charmaine was asked about her deepest impression, which is while filming opposite Joe Ma: "Joe is really tall, even though I wore high heeled shoes it still couldn't work. Therefore, I will bring two piece of personal brick and step on them when filming close up shot."

What if she forgot to bring them? Charmaine says: "Stepping on Joe's feet. It's very funny, because he's too tall, it wouldn't look good if there's too much difference between our height. So he let me stand on his feet instead."

Another series of Charmaine, [Always Ready] was also due to air soon. In the series, Charmaine is partnered with Ekin Cheng. Her impression of him: "He's quite lively, loves to work out, he keep jumping (moving) non-stop everywhere, plus he like to joke around, but he is a very professional actor."

2006: Charmaine's year of harvest

Charmaine recently won TVB's "Best Actress" and "Favorite Female Character" award. "I'm still feeling excited, because I never thought of receiving two awards." Will she feel pressured, now that she've won two award? "No, because I will do my best in every series."

Meanwhile, Charmaine also won the bronze Favorite New Singer in a HK magazine award for her subtheme song in [Dance of Passion]. Mentioning this, Charmaine said she was also surprised by it: "I never expected to get this award, it increases my confidence in singing, but at the moment I still prefer acting."

This year was Charmaine's year of harvest. She said: "Getting "Best Actress" award has always been my wish. Receiving awards from the start till the end of this year, I won't forget this year."

For the coming Christmas, what Charmaine wish more to receive as Christmas gift is a holiday. "The schedule has been arranged up to 23rd, it's quite ambiguous. Hope that I'll get a holiday on Christmas. If I had to work, I hope I still can attend party in the night."

The last long break Charmaine had, was prior to filming [Drive]. She took a 3 month break to accompany her sick mother in US.

Entering showbiz for 10 years, no gain without working

Joining the showbiz for nearly 10 years, Charmaine's insight was: "There is no gain without working. You can't rise to the top within a step, but slowly accumulate experience and not to give up easily."

When she first entered showbiz, Charmaine thought of giving up. "Filming the first series, I thought I've tried my best, only get to sleep for 4 hours daily, and I thought that filming was a success. Afterward the reports criticized me of not knowing how to act, having a bad voice. I doubted that I shouldn't be an artiste, thought of leaving. However, fate kept me working on another series, and until now I have yet to leave the showbiz.


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Речь об одном парне, который у меня уже много лет почему-то из головы не идет. А уже и замуж сходила и отношения различные были, на данный момент пауза, неохота даже в люди выходить, сижу и думаю о собственной жизни. Ну и опять же, он вспоминается. Последней раз виделись 3 года назад. В школе он был в меня влюблен сильно похоже, а себя как идиотка вела закомплексованная. Потом вообще уехала из страны. Приехала через год на каникулы домой, кинула ему известие в контакт, привет, как жизнь, хочешь, давай встретимся и поболтаем. Он 2 дня не отвечал, я разозлилась и стерла его из друзей, вообщем детский сад естесственно. Ну и на этом как бы все. Через пару месяцев возвращаюсь домой, имеет ли резон что-то предвоспринимать? Мне тем более интересно будет послушать, что здесь местные мужики напишут, что девки скажут я приблизительно знаю.
ПыСы подруги сердца у него в данный момент нет

Anonymous said...

Как говорилось на С мужем в живем полтора года. Срок не очень большой, но все таки.... Иногда напрягает просьба мужа не волнуеться, в случае в случае если он не подходит к телефону. Типа, прячется от шефа, который в последствии трех смен может его привлечь еще куда-то. Вот и сегодня, говорит - "поеду на дачу, привезу дрова, пока машина есть. Телефон брать не буду, от шефа шифруюсь... Возьму только часов в 8 вечера.....". За весь период это было раза два-три... Но все таки.
Напрягает меня, что я не до конца верю в эти шифрования. Хотя мой благоверный ни в чем пока пойман не был (тьфу-тьфу), помимо мелких придумок в начале нашего знакомства, когда он отмазался, типа "долго было объяснять, а ты - далеко".
Я - благоблагоосмысленная девушка. Но порой пробивает, как же жить, в случае в случае если не верить и прислушиваться к любому шороху? Должен же быть кредит доверия мужу? Противно естесственно, эти придумки именно в мелочах... Но вроде с начала знакомства этого более не повторялось....
Как не накрутить себя? Буду признательна любым советам.

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