Thursday, December 28, 2006

Andy collected Christmas present from Twins

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Despite suffering from flu, Andy Lau still attended the Metro Radio music award presentation ceremony and garned a total of 8 awards to become the night's biggest winner. Andy exclaimed that he was satisfied of such result and delighted that his Voice album could garned such good results which could encourage him to do more new albums with the same theme.

Among the 8 awards that he won, Andy expressed that the Best Composer-Singer award surprised him the most, he was so delighted that he bow to thanks the other singers whom were on stage, he hope that these singers could applause as encouragment and show that he deserved the award, if not the media would spread allegations of his win, the singers immediately replied him with loud applause. When interviewed, Andy thank Metro Radio for their love and support.
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Other than the 8 awards he collected at the ceremony, he also collected a surprise Christmas present from Twins. Charlene Choi gave Andy a mini bowling ball calendar where he could check dates and play with it, he could bring it along to Beijing where he could kill his time there.
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Gillian Chung specially gave Andy a Kangxi Emperor calligraphy ink and brush boxset, it's being thoughful of her. As Andy didn't expected that Twins would give him any presents, thus he didn't prepared any for them.
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Although he need to rush back to Beijing for location shooting, Andy would spent some time this afternoon to buy presents in return for Twins. When asked why he wore mask, Andy expressed that he's suffering from serious flu and he visited a doctor immediately after he jetted back to Hong Kong from Beijing.

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