Thursday, December 7, 2006

Hins Sacrificed as Justin Gets Award?

Recent articles have reported that Justin Lo's new song 'Headlines' (頭條新聞) was copied from The Stylistics' famous song 'You Make me Feel Brand New'. Yesterday when attending a function, Justin refused to comment on the issue but firmly stated that he does not care or feels unhappy about the reports. He also said that he will not be afraid of composing songs because of the reports.

It has also been reported that Paco Wong has been working hard to get Justin Chik Chak's 'Favourite Male Singer- Bronze Award' and will be sacrificing Hins Cheung. Regarding this matter, Justin commented, "I will not say anything. Hins and I are good friends." Justin then continued to say that even he lost the award to Hins he will still be happy.

At an event, Justin and Hins were seated next to each other and the two appeared to be friendly as they talked and joked. Regarding the rumours, Hins said, "Really?" The singer then continued to praised Justin and that he will not be unhappy to lose to Justin because to him, being nominated is already an award. When asked if he will feel disappointed, Hins replied, "There is always next year!"

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