Sunday, December 31, 2006

Charmaine Sheh & Kevin Cheng's Plans for 2007

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10,9,8,7... 2007 is nearly upon us and it is time to plan our life ahead of us again. TV Queen Charmaine Sheh and TV King Kevin Cheng look back on 2006 and look forward to 2007, where they resolve to bring more fun into each month and share here their plans.

2006 was a rewarding year for Charmaine and her career has been recognised. However, on the day of the awards ceremony, her mother was rushed into hospital with internal bleeding and in a coma, making her feelings very mixed. After the sadness, she now hopes to find her true love. For Kevin, his work is going well, but he did injure himself playing tennis and he realises that everything has to be done in moderation. Looking forward to next year, he hopes that he can buy a property.

January - New Year Party Girl

Charmaine: "I will be filming a movie with Hacken Lee, where I play a very greedy Mongkok girl and I hope that this will give everyone a fresh image. This is one of my new year wishes."

Kevin: "I wish the readers good progress in the new year and good health. I will do more sport in the coming yeard and keep myself healthy."

February - Surprise Time

Charmaine: "I hope that a lover will appear for Valentines Day and I can have a day off then and make him a heart shaped steak. If there is no lover, then I will work and spend it with my colleagues."

Kevin: "Of course you have to give a surprise to the other person on Valentines Day! If you usually go out to eat, then take this chance to cook yourself and give a little surprise."

March - Big Plans for Spring

Charmaine: "In spring this year, I should be filming in Beijing, Shanghai and Ningbo, so I will be very busy. I hope that I can find candied crabapples there because they use strawberries there and they are very fragrant and leave lasting memories."

Kevin: "I have always liked to do sport, so I don't like the rain. When it is humid in spring it is very dirty and I don't like that sticky feeling. However, we have to pass through this period before we see the sunshine, so I will decide my plans for the year in spring and then work hard to achieve them."
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April - Beware of Liars

Charmaine: "I think I should still be working, this time I will not waste the chance and I will eat all the delicacies in the area. I am so happy when I think about it."

Kevin: "Few people celebrate April Fools Day, but remember not to believe anyone on the 1st April! If it is a beautiful lie that makes people feel better though, then that is okay."

May - Not Working on Birthday

Charmaine: "Every year on my birthday 28th May, I only get half a day off. I hope that I can have the whole day off this year and celebrate with my friends because I like a good atmosphere."

Kevin: "I have never tried Dragon Boat Racing, so I will be getting fit in May ready for the race in June and keeping a strong body."

June - New Fashions for Summer

Charmaine: "Summer is here, so of course I have to go shopping for some new outfits. Every year I will only buy the expensive clothes that I need, so I will not spend frivolously."

Kevin: "Every year when I buy clothes, I will be asked why they all look the same and when I check in my wardrobe at home, I realised that they are! I think this year I will have to change my tastes."
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July - Sunshine Sales

Charmaine: "I hope to go and visit my mother in Hawaii and have a long vacation."

Kevin: "I love sunshine and sandy beaches, sunbathing and relaxing."

August - Learning to Cook to Seek Vengeance

Charmaine: "I plan to apply to learn how to cook Western food. I remember when I was at school I came last in a dessert making competition, so I would like to win for once."

Kevin: "Last year on my birthday on 15th August, I received many presents. This year, my birthday wish will be to buy myself an apartment and be a property owner."

September - Looking for Love at Moon Festival

Charmaine: "I did not have any mooncakes last year, I hope that this year there will be someone to share a mooncake with me and then play with lanterns and enjoy the moonlight."

Kevin: "I used to have a courtyard at home, where we could sit as a family and enjoy the moon. My mother is from the North, so she makes sweet dumplings and Shanghai snacks that I miss so much."
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October - Hiding for Halloween

Charmaine: "It has been a long time since I celebrated Halloween in Central. There are too many reporters there and I feel that they are ready to ambush at any time. Please don't bother me, I will hide away to celebrate quietly."

Kevin: "I remember I dressed up as Johnny Depp in Edward Scissorhands and it was really great because no-one recognised me."

November - Anniversary Pay Rise

Charmaine: "Of course I have to look my very best for the anniversary. As for winning an award, then I will leave it down to fate."

Kevin: "TVB's birthday, I hope that the quality of productions keeps going up and the ratings also keep rising, so everyone has a pay rise."

December - Christmas in Japan

Charmaine: "It has been ten years since I went on vacation at Christmas, so I hope to be in Japan for Christmas in 2007."

Kevin: "When I was young, I have written a card to Santa Claus, but I just hung it on the Christmas tree and would not send it out, but I was still very happy."

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Charmaine praises Raymond Lam as handsome

Hong Kong TVB popular fadan Charmaine Sheh is currently filming the 60 episodes [Drive of Life] until May next year, with Raymond Lam acting as her boyfriend in the series.

Working together for the 3rd time, Charmaine's impression on Ray is still: "Same, a handsome guy." Asked if she was "electrified" (charmed) by Ray, Charmaine jokingly asked: "Shouldn't you ask him whether he's charmed by me?"
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Facing the recent rumors with Ray and Ron Ng, Charmaine said that she feels nothing about the news: "The media will write whatever they want. If there's no rumor news between onscreen lovers, that is a bit worrying. Maybe because we're all single, but I hope there won't be much rumors. The HK tabloids often write rumors or falling out among artistes, but readers will know what is the truth."

Wanting a boyfriend in 2007

Charmaine's wish for 2007 is to find a new boyfriend. She said: "Because I don't have a boyfriend, so I need to find one."

Asking how? She replied: "Just let things go naturally, I believe in fate."

Recently, there's a lot of reports mentioning her supposed break up with rumored boyfriend Benny Chan, ending their 4 year relationship. However, upon hearing "Benny Chan", she immediately said: "Please don't mention him anymore, or else I will not have chance to find a boyfriend."

Charmaine mentioned that when filming series with Joe Ma, their relationship got closer due to "personal brick".

Stepping on Joe Ma's foot to act

Because Charmaine's series [Strike at Heart] was due to air soon (Singapore), Charmaine was asked about her deepest impression, which is while filming opposite Joe Ma: "Joe is really tall, even though I wore high heeled shoes it still couldn't work. Therefore, I will bring two piece of personal brick and step on them when filming close up shot."

What if she forgot to bring them? Charmaine says: "Stepping on Joe's feet. It's very funny, because he's too tall, it wouldn't look good if there's too much difference between our height. So he let me stand on his feet instead."

Another series of Charmaine, [Always Ready] was also due to air soon. In the series, Charmaine is partnered with Ekin Cheng. Her impression of him: "He's quite lively, loves to work out, he keep jumping (moving) non-stop everywhere, plus he like to joke around, but he is a very professional actor."

2006: Charmaine's year of harvest

Charmaine recently won TVB's "Best Actress" and "Favorite Female Character" award. "I'm still feeling excited, because I never thought of receiving two awards." Will she feel pressured, now that she've won two award? "No, because I will do my best in every series."

Meanwhile, Charmaine also won the bronze Favorite New Singer in a HK magazine award for her subtheme song in [Dance of Passion]. Mentioning this, Charmaine said she was also surprised by it: "I never expected to get this award, it increases my confidence in singing, but at the moment I still prefer acting."

This year was Charmaine's year of harvest. She said: "Getting "Best Actress" award has always been my wish. Receiving awards from the start till the end of this year, I won't forget this year."

For the coming Christmas, what Charmaine wish more to receive as Christmas gift is a holiday. "The schedule has been arranged up to 23rd, it's quite ambiguous. Hope that I'll get a holiday on Christmas. If I had to work, I hope I still can attend party in the night."

The last long break Charmaine had, was prior to filming [Drive]. She took a 3 month break to accompany her sick mother in US.

Entering showbiz for 10 years, no gain without working

Joining the showbiz for nearly 10 years, Charmaine's insight was: "There is no gain without working. You can't rise to the top within a step, but slowly accumulate experience and not to give up easily."

When she first entered showbiz, Charmaine thought of giving up. "Filming the first series, I thought I've tried my best, only get to sleep for 4 hours daily, and I thought that filming was a success. Afterward the reports criticized me of not knowing how to act, having a bad voice. I doubted that I shouldn't be an artiste, thought of leaving. However, fate kept me working on another series, and until now I have yet to leave the showbiz.

Andy collected Christmas present from Twins

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Despite suffering from flu, Andy Lau still attended the Metro Radio music award presentation ceremony and garned a total of 8 awards to become the night's biggest winner. Andy exclaimed that he was satisfied of such result and delighted that his Voice album could garned such good results which could encourage him to do more new albums with the same theme.

Among the 8 awards that he won, Andy expressed that the Best Composer-Singer award surprised him the most, he was so delighted that he bow to thanks the other singers whom were on stage, he hope that these singers could applause as encouragment and show that he deserved the award, if not the media would spread allegations of his win, the singers immediately replied him with loud applause. When interviewed, Andy thank Metro Radio for their love and support.
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Other than the 8 awards he collected at the ceremony, he also collected a surprise Christmas present from Twins. Charlene Choi gave Andy a mini bowling ball calendar where he could check dates and play with it, he could bring it along to Beijing where he could kill his time there.
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Gillian Chung specially gave Andy a Kangxi Emperor calligraphy ink and brush boxset, it's being thoughful of her. As Andy didn't expected that Twins would give him any presents, thus he didn't prepared any for them.
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Although he need to rush back to Beijing for location shooting, Andy would spent some time this afternoon to buy presents in return for Twins. When asked why he wore mask, Andy expressed that he's suffering from serious flu and he visited a doctor immediately after he jetted back to Hong Kong from Beijing.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bernice Liu, Steven Ma, & Kate Tsui on "Questioning Showbiz

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Bernice Liu, Steven Ma Chun Wai, and Kate Tsui Tsi San were guests on TVB's new variety program, "Questioning Showbiz." Through his knowledge, Steven won $70,000 (HKD) in prizes. Steven also filmed an Reishi mushroom ad recently. The ad only took 3 hours to shoot, but he was generously rewarded with a 6 figure fee! Steven laughed, "This year I will be enjoying a fruitful Christmas!"

Friday, December 15, 2006

Niki and Kevin Share a Shivery Date

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Playing a pair of lovers in the series "The Seventh Day", Niki Chow and Kevin Cheng are very compatible and even if the weather is getting cold, they are still very natural in their performance. Their previous series "Hard Fate" and "Under the Canopy of Love" have done well, with the latter breaking into the top ten rated series for 2006 in seventh place. Kevin also won the 'Best Actor' award at the TVB anniversary for his performance.

Asked if the previous good results gives them expectations for the new series, Kevin says: "I will do my best! It is hard to predict the ratings because sometimes a good series may not necessarily have good ratings." Niki says happily: "No matter what the ratings were previously, I will still put my heart into it. This is not a sequel to 'Canopy', but we are working with the same cast and crew, so we already have the co-operation there and I hope that when the show airs, there will be a lot of viewers tuning in."

In truth, the chemistry between them is unspoken and this shows in their acting. During filming, the weather was quite cold and Niki's clothing was quite thin so she was shivering in the chilly winds. When the cameras stopped rolling, Kevin immediately told Niki's assistant to hand her a jacket and carefully helped her to put it on. With the male and female lead so well tuned into each other, then this series should do even better than the past and win even greater results.

Ron Denies Getting Intimate with Charmaine

Moses Chan, Bernice Liu, Ron Ng, Sonijia Kwok and Ana R attended the opening ceremony of a Juicy Coutuie boutique. Regarding the earlier rumours of Charmaine Sheh getting intimate with Ron and sitting on his lap in public, Ron expressed that he has not seen the articles but he already knows that the reports are lies, so there is not use of commenting.

Ron highlighted that the article had no pictures as evidence. Ron and Charmaine are currently filming '歲月風雲'. When asked if they were embarrassed to see each other, Ron stated that they were not embarrassed.

Christmas Day is nearing, at the event, Sonijia disclosed that she will be spending her day at work. When asked if she wants to find herself a boyfriend when she sees couples celebrating Christmas, Sonijia answered that she is still single but if she does ever date someone, she will tell the media. Sonijia expressed that her boyfriend must love her and her mother but does not have to be good looking.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Gallen Lo's Assessment on Bosco, Ron, Raymond, Kevin & Kenneth!

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TVB is currently heavily promoting a new generation of actors such as Bosco Wong Chung Chak, Ron Ng Cheuk Hei, Raymond Lam Fung, and Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming. Appledaily interviewed Gallen Lo Ka Leung's and asked for his assessment of the younger actors.
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Gallen spoke of Bosco, "He is very upbeat. Reading about his news with Myolie Wu Hang Yee, Bosco handles the rumors quite well. He will laugh them off and respond in a cheerful manner and people will forget about the rumors. As for his acting, he does not do anything unnecessary to steal the limelight, which is a good thing."
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Gallen on Ron Ng: "Ron respects me. One time we ran into each other at Joyce and he thought I would be filming 'The Drive of Life' at the time. Ron said to me, 'You're returning to TVB? I hope to work with you again!' Ron's physical attributes are well-received and he has his unique image."

"I dabbled in singing and dancing in the early part of my career as well, but I did not handle them very well. Allocating appropriate time between singing and acting is very important for an artist. In the end I chose acting. Since Ron is faced with this difficult choice now, it is a test for him as to how he will choose."
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Gallen on Raymond Lam: "Raymond's acting improved in 'La Femme Desperado.' When we were filming 'Golden Faith' together, Raymond looked up to me as a big brother and would call me on the phone. He treated me with respect. Raymond has to cherish each opportunity. I really look forward to his performance in 'The Drive of Life!'"
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Gallen on Kevin Cheng: "I have never worked with Kevin before. Since I have not been in Hong Kong [for some time], I have not watched his series. But I am aware that Kevin has a lot of opportunities right now. He had a lot of experience before too, so I am happy for Kevin right now. I believe he will cherish each opportunity!
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Gallen on Kenneth Ma: "Kenneth is a dark horse, but he is a good guy and complaisant actor. Congratulations to Kenneth for winning the Most Improved Actor Award. Kenneth's looks are quite mature, but comfortable and pleasing."

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Niki Chow Sighs at the Betrayal of Trust in Today's Society

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After intruders forced their way into Niki Chow's home earlier posing as delivery staff and frightening Niki's mother, Niki was interviewed on a radio show yesterday and host DJ Jerry Lamb asked her if she had stopped crying yet. She replied: "I did not cry? (Your manager said you were crying a lot?) I was just very angry."

Asked if she has been comforted by rumoured boyfriend Kevin Cheng, Niki said: "He has asked about my mother and made sure she was alright. (Did you make sure you keep your distance when you spoke to avoid the press making up more stories about you?) At the time I did not think about that too much. Not many people knew what was happening, but as I was talking on my phone and frowning a lot, he was stood beside me, so he knew." Niki says that the two people were already taking photographs when they stood at the door and when they failed their mission, they ran away. Her mother bravely ran after them, then she called Niki as she was so scared that she could not breathe. Niki says: "You cannot scare older people like this, she said her chest was very painful and I was worried her heart could not handle it. The worst thing for me was my mother getting frightened like this."

When the two people ran away, they left behind the battery to their mobile phone. Will this be sent for fingerprint scanning? Niki says: "We reserve the right to take whatever legal action is required. It is in the hands of the company now and we will see what we can do, but I don't want to blow this out of proportion." When Niki found out what had happened, she was busy filming and she says that it affected her mood quite severely: "I really wanted to take time off yesterday, but I did not want my work to be affected by my personal affairs, so I was constantly on the phone and keeping in contact with my mother." Talking of her recent string of negative events, she says: "I don't know if this incident was related to me because there are so many of us in my family. If it was our friends in the media, then I am very disappointed. If they are thieves or other criminals, then it is even more frightening." Asked if she thinks they are crazy fans, she says: "My fans are very good and will not do this kind of thing." Niki says that her mother now has a shadow over opening doors, facing strangers and even staying at home on her own and this is quite a big effect on her because she does not even want to go home. Niki says that the police have urged her family to be careful when opening the doors, but she points out that the delivery was addressed to Mr Chow and then the next time it will be someone claiming to be Mr Chan the new neighbour, so you can't be too careful really.

Niki indicates: "If this event was the media taking paparazzi shots, then I hope that they will use other means to gain information and not to disturb my family. If it is the media, then this will betray the respect and trust between people. I hope that everyone will pay attention to this because intrusion into people's homes to take photographs is a serious matter."

Friday, December 8, 2006

Language Plagues Cannes Best Actor

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Cannes best actor winner Tony Leung Chiu-wai said he spent two months memorizing the script for the new Ang Lee spy thriller "Lust, Caution," a painstaking process because the dialogue is delivered in Mandarin, instead of his native Cantonese.

Leung is a Hong Kong native, where the southern Chinese dialect of Cantonese is most common. Mandarin is China's national language.

"Mandarin is not my native tongue, so I have to spend a significant amount of time memorizing the script," Leung said at a news conference in Shanghai on Wednesday to promote another movie, "Confession of Pain."

Faye Wong to attend fund-raising party

Hong Kong pop diva Faye Wong will make her first public appearance for Yanran Angel Foundation on Dec. 26, after she waved goodbye to her fans at a solo concert in Guangzhou in January 2005.

According to media reports, Wong will appear with her husband, actor Li Yapeng, at a dinner party in Beijing thrown by Yanran Angel, a charity foundation for children with harelip.

Attendees will donate 20,000 yuan (2,480 U.S. dollars) each to the foundation. Li, the chairman of the foundation, said about 400 people will attend the party.

It only took about four months to set up the foundation, Li revealed. "In China, only if you donated at least 10 million yuan, you can set up a foundation. But everyone understands the situation of my daughter, so the government only asks us to donate 1 million yuan."

Wong's second daughter Li Yan was born with a cleft palate in May. The family had sought medical care in the United States. Li Yapeng said the baby will get her second operation in March, when she is 10 months old. Li also said he plans to shoot a movie titled, "Kiss My Little Hare," to make more people aware about problems faced by children with harelip.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

TVB Anniversary Award 2006 - The Voting Results

Best Drama
Under the Canopy of Love
Safe Guards
La Femme Desperado
Dance of Passion
Maiden's Vow

Winner: Dance of Passion
[La Femme placed second, the votes comparing with the First place was really close]

Shocking eh? I thought Dance of Passion beat La Femme Desperado in all aspects. Pity it didn't win the award. I guess people did like Dance of Passion more than the reports/news gave credits to.

Best Actor
Under the Canopy of Love - Kevin Cheng
La Femme Desperado - Raymond Lam
Dance of Passion - Bowie Lam
Forsenic Heroes - Bobby AuYeung
Maidens Vow - Joe Ma

Winner: Joe Ma - Maiden's Vow
[Joe Ma won by alot of votes, Bowie Lam came in second and Kevin Cheng came in fourth]

Not so shocking here..

Best Actress
La Femme Desperado - Sheren Tang
Dance of Passion - Ada Choi
Dance of Passion - Gigi Lai
Maiden's Vow - Charmaine Sheh
To Grow With Love - Myolie Wu

Winner: Charmaine Sheh - Maiden's Vow
[Charmine won by alot of votes, second place was Ada and Sheren Tang came in 3rd]

Myolie wasn't even close to touching the award. All the fat and extra pounds for nothing. I feel bad for her since she put on all the weight only to walk away empty handed. Her body is a bit saggy now and not as tight as it was before.

Favourite Male Character
Under the Canopy of Love - Kevin Cheng
Safe Guards - Wayne Lai
La Femme Desperado - Raymond Lam
Dance of Passion - Bowie Lam
Maidens Vow - Joe Ma

Winner: Joe Ma - Maiden's Vow

Steven Ma didn't even make it to the top 5! No way, Chi is such a great character.

Favourite Female Character
La Femme Desperado -Sheren Tang
Dance of Passion - Ada Choi
Dance of Passion - Gigi Lai
Maiden's Vow - Charmaine Sheh
To Grow With Love -Myolie Wu

Winner: Ada Choi - Dance of Passion
[This time Charmaine came in second and Ada came in first.]

Aww, too bad Ada did not win. But as long as I know the viewers liked Ada, than I'm content.

Best Supporting Actor

Safe Guard - Wayne Lai
Welcome to the House - Lee See Zit
Dance of Passion - Kenny Wong
Love Guaranteed - Paul Chen
Maiden's Vow - Sammul Chan

Winner: Wayne Lai - Safe Guards
[Wayne won by alot of votes, Kenny Wong just made it into Top 5]

Like I said, I am happy Wayne Lai won a lot of viewers' applause because that is all the truly matters.

Best Supporting Actress
Always Ready - Shirley Yeung
Under the Canopy of Love - Natalie Tong
Welcome to the House - Kingdom Yuen
Maiden's Vow - Kiki Sheung
To Grow with Love - Gigi Wong

Winner: Natailie Tong - Under the Canopy of Love
[Shirley Yeung only came in 3rd]

Most Improved Actor
Love Guaranteed - Kenneth Ma
Under the Canopy of Love - Kevin Cheng
Maiden's Vow - Sammul Chan
La Femme Desperado - Michael Tse Teen Wa

Winner: Michael Tse - La Femme Desperado
[Michael Tse won by alot of votes, Sammul Chan came in second, and Kenneth Ma came in 4th]

A bit surprising that with all those series Kenneth was in, he was only fourth place...

Most Improved Actress
Always Ready - Linda Chung
A Pillow of Mystery - Tavia Yeung
Bar Benders - Leila Tong
Forsenic Heroes - Natalie Tong
15/16 - Siw Yee

Winner: Tavia Yeung - A Pillow of Mystery
[Tavia won by alot of votes, Linda only came in 4th]

The actual results are surprising aren't they? I guess Steve Ma isn't that popular eh? I am happy that although Wayne Lai, Ada Choi, Tavia Yeung etc. did not win the award, they have great fan bases. That is really all that matters. What is the point of winning the trophy when you clearly don't deserve it?

Hins Sacrificed as Justin Gets Award?

Recent articles have reported that Justin Lo's new song 'Headlines' (頭條新聞) was copied from The Stylistics' famous song 'You Make me Feel Brand New'. Yesterday when attending a function, Justin refused to comment on the issue but firmly stated that he does not care or feels unhappy about the reports. He also said that he will not be afraid of composing songs because of the reports.

It has also been reported that Paco Wong has been working hard to get Justin Chik Chak's 'Favourite Male Singer- Bronze Award' and will be sacrificing Hins Cheung. Regarding this matter, Justin commented, "I will not say anything. Hins and I are good friends." Justin then continued to say that even he lost the award to Hins he will still be happy.

At an event, Justin and Hins were seated next to each other and the two appeared to be friendly as they talked and joked. Regarding the rumours, Hins said, "Really?" The singer then continued to praised Justin and that he will not be unhappy to lose to Justin because to him, being nominated is already an award. When asked if he will feel disappointed, Hins replied, "There is always next year!"

Janice + Jill Wei Release Christmas Charity Album

Sisters, Janice and Jill Wei have released their first Christmas album which all proceeds will go to UNICEF. The album features 6 newly produced versions of English Christmas carols. When shooting for the cover and advertisements, Janice and Jill worked with a group of children which made the shooting area a very happy and cheerful place. The two then revealed that because Christmas is their favourite day, their father will be holding a Christmas party for them. At the party, the two will be singing with their father.

Justin Lo + Miriam Yeung Work on KFC Advertisement

Miriam Yeung and Justin Lo earlier worked on an advertisement for KFC. Due to the festive season drawing near, the background for the advertisement was a Christmas party. One of Justin's line: "I believe that the most important thing is love" made everyone quite shocked. This line was followed by Miriam saying, "I think that the most important thing is knowing how to share."

These lines caused the two to be questioned by the media about what is most important to them. Miriam expressed that because she is always busy with work, she really appreciate the time she can spend with her family and the time she can use to share the best things with other people.

Justin then answered that his friends are the most important to him and that everyone Christmas he will always invite his friends over to have a party.